








Digitization is one of the three main means of helping UNDP achieve its core goals, while profoundly influencing and changing the way we work and think.

Embracing digital, opportunities and challenges coexist. Achim Steiner, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, said: “This latest digital strategy demonstrates that UNDP never stops on the road to development. Our global goals will lead us to continue to promote inclusiveness. digital future.”

UNDP launched its first digital strategy in mid-2019 to capitalize on the organization's digital transformation. Building on a long history of digitally empowering partners, the strategy represents a systematic and enterprise-driven transformational process to reimagine the way UNDP serves its partners and operates its systems and processes. The first digital strategy has proven prescient as the pace of digitization in response to the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated dramatically.

Since the adoption of the strategy in 2019, UNDP has undergone significant changes, developing a new framework for digital programming and strengthening its digital capabilities. UNDP will continue to accelerate digital transformation in response to the growing demands of partner governments.

The purpose of the 2022-2025 digital strategy is to maintain and accelerate momentum across UNDP and its partners. In fact, many components are already in place, such as accelerator labs, a network of digital advocates, a comprehensive IT transformation and a chief digital office. Continuing to build the capacity of UNDP staff to imagine, plan and implement an integrated digital approach can truly have a multiplier effect on the support of its partners.

The structure of this digital strategy is divided into three main parts.

Part 1: Guiding Principles and Value Proposition. Outline the UNDP approach to digital transformation.

Part 2: Determine the direction. Vision, goals and outcomes, and UNDP will continue to move in this direction over the next four years.

Part III: Strategy implementation methods and outcome measurement. A high-level approach to implementing strategies.


